Thursday, July 30, 2020

Dark Side of the Moon

Dark Side of the Moon So in case you didnt know, theres a eclipse going on. A total eclipse of the moon, in fact. The last one until 2010. You should go watch it. I know I will be. Really bad photos to follow. Also, if you realize not only whom this entrys title references but also why this entrys subtitle (And everything under the sun is in tune, but the sun is eclipsed by the moon) is completely inappropriate, I will be very impressed. *** Update circa 11:13 PM: As it turns out, its actually really really hard to take a good photo of something thats over 360,000 kilometers away on a good day with your standard digital camera especially when that thing is, you know, eclipsed. Therefore I am going to declare all my photos of the eclipse totally unworthy of viewing, and hide them from all of you forevermore. Maybe Ill feed them to Kerberos, or something. I did, however, get a fairly decent photo of those people who decided to watch the eclipse with me. My dorm, Simmons, has two fantastic terraces that are open to all residents. Tonight, about thirty of us took advantage of that fact to obtain one of the best vantage points of the eclipse. So, uh, there you have it. The last total lunar eclipse until 2010. Im currently in the middle of writing a HASS paper on the Hippocratic Oath, so I need to go finish that up but you all can expect an entry on my current classes (which are amazing) in the next few days. Now go read Jesss entry on the Class of 2010 Brass Rat, its much better than this.

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