Sunday, February 16, 2020

Diversities in Health and Healing Beliefs and Its Implication to Research Paper

Diversities in Health and Healing Beliefs and Its Implication to Health Care Delivery - Research Paper Example Holistic care has been the new paradigm of healing hospitals as the world faces the challenge of diversity in each nation. This poses a challenge to institutions to render a loving service rather than mere customer service. It is utilized in understanding that patients, as human beings, are composed of mind, body, and soul and its interconnectedness must be dealt with simultaneously. The final part of this paper examines the health care provider’s attitude and management for patients with different health belief from their own. Diversities in Health and Healing Beliefs and Its Implication to Health Care Delivery Migration is a common phenomenon that transpires throughout the world in this era of globalization and capitalism. Today, each nation has diverse nationalities residing within their territories for purposes of education, business, work, or leisure. This trend posts a challenge to health care professionals, particularly nurses, in delivery of health care services and un derstanding their total well being. Through time, the hospital has shifted its paradigm from being a place where illness is treated to a place aimed to render wellness and holistic services. Practitioners now embrace this holistic approach recognizing the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and soul and treating each aspect in respect of one another rather than the traditional approach of medicine which is focused only with the bodily manifestations (Moodly and West, 2005, p.257). The concept of holistic healing transformed social institutions such as hospitals toward a more just and loving health and healing practices. As the bible says, â€Å"The Lord will strengthen him in his bed of illness, you will sustain him in his sick bed (Psalm 41:3),† Christian institutions and practitioners acknowledge the value of psycho-spiritual assistance to both the ill and well patients. The usual challenged faced by holistic hospitals is marking delineation between the Christian concept of loving service and the capitalist’s value for customer service. While most administrators aim is to increase patient satisfaction, the caregivers and patients seek for a more humanitarian and loving approach when acquiring services from institutions. Health care systems must go beyond the superficial approach of customer service and dig deeper to a more genuine loving service and care (Chapman, 2005). Holistic approach and loving service are two valuable principles that must be carried out by health caregivers. This encompasses the need for better understanding of the patient’s health beliefs, healing preferences, and religion. Respect is the key point of success in this avenue of care (Chapman, 2005), therefore, diversities among these beliefs and preferences must be fully understood by nurses and health practitioners. Christian, Native American, and Buddhist’s Healing Beliefs The Christians focus on God as the Great Physician who heals all forms of illness and this healing could be attained through prayers. They recognize Jesus as the Christ, son of God, who healed thousand of sinners and ill people though prayer and faith during his stay on earth as narrated in the New Testament of the Bible. Christians believe in the power of the Holy Spirit as a current that flows and promotes healing of the mind, body, and soul (Plante and Sherman, 2001). The bible dictated that one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit

Monday, February 3, 2020

Paraphrase these pages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Paraphrase these pages - Essay Example In order to examine the policies/procedures, it is important to be aware of the written and unwritten procedures in order to see if employees follow them. Lastly, knowing what the facility is putting out and the conditions of both the facility and the product are important as well as staffing issues and logistics such as shipping. The Vulnerability Assessment Project Leader is charged with many duties. All duties surround that of making sure that the demands of the schedule will be met and are able to resolve any issues concerning this. Making sure that the team is properly staffed with correct instructions and the supplies to do the job makes this possible. It also includes exercising leadership authority by interacting not only with members of the team, but also with facility management and higher up personnel. This is a consequence analysis table. It is a security analysis that shows the probability levels of any type of hostile action that might be taken towards the facility or i ts employees and the effect that it will have on customers and products. It also ranks them according to how high the probability of something occurring in relation to the type of consequence that will result for the company. For example, there is a high degree of probability for vandalism, but there is a low consequence expected for anything happening in the company. The three stages in project management are: project planning, managing the project, and the project closeout. Project planning involves making initial contact with the customer by understanding what they want and being able to define the project by looking at costs, number of personnel, conditions and terms, etc. Once the project is started, it is best to give weekly updates to the customer in order to let them know how the work is progressing and if there are going to be any unexpected changes in cost, production time, etc. The VA team has to be able to balance what the customer wants and what is feasible to what was agreed upon because the customer is not always right. Lastly at the end of the project, taking into account and producing all the financial paperwork and costs is imperative. All documents should be stored or disposed of and an after action review should occur to assess how the project went and if anything can be done better. There are many different ways in which a project can fail. Sometimes, poor planning or having the wrong people plan can hinder the entire operation ranging from the wrong goals to time management problems. In addition, if communication is not kept with the customer for the duration of the project, it could put the project in danger as it makes the customer loose faith in the project and can lead to further complications. Lastly, it is important to discuss what went right and what went wrong on the project in order to maximize efficiency. If this is not done, any mistakes that were made are likely to occur again in the future and could result in more drastic con sequences. Stage 1 is the most important because it lays the foundation for the entire project. If this is messed up, the entire operation is at risk. During the execution of the project, problems need to be handled immediately in order to avoid complications. By keeping in contact with the customer, it allows quicker action and recovery to occur when a problem happens. In the last stage, all following